I am excited to announce my workshops as an effective and powerful first-step to working with me in hypnosis and NLP. My workshop includes basic coaching with NLP, group hypnosis and HeartMath techniques to manage your stress and anxiety.

This workshop is comprised of four two-hour sessions. I sell a pre-recorded version of this workshop for $200 a person and also offer live workshops with groups of six or more people for $400 each. If you are interested in self-forming a group of six or more, I can easily accommodate and offer a discount to the organizer. I offer live and zoom sessions for these workshops.

I also recommend reading “The Miracle Bridge” in conjunction with doing this workshop.

If you are interested in purchasing my workshop or talking to me about scheduling a live group session, please text me at
(801) 893-1657.

My hourly rate for individual work is $125.